
Assignment Details
HIST 037 Women in American History-80343/47/51/53/995...
onies of John and
Lydia Porter, Joseph Fowler, an Thomas and
Mary Jacobs, what evidence links Sarah
Bibber to witchcraft? Identify at least two
2. How does Mary Bradbury defend herself
against witchcraft allegations? How does this
compare with what her husband Thomas says
in her defense? What do you think might
account for these differences?
Assignment Details:
• Your assignment should be somewhere
between 250 and 400 words (approx. 2 - 3
Be sure to ground your responses in historical
context (putting your response in an
appropriate time/decade/year).
• Avoid excessive quoting. In an assignment this
short, quoted material shouldn't take up more
than a couple of sentences per quote. I'd
prefer you paraphrase when possible.
• You must use in-text citations! Any
quotes/paraphrases need to be cited, and
your citation should look like this:
("Witchcraft Testimony," page number)