Litchfield county police are investigating five classic car thefts which took place over that last two weeks. Each car was a different model and year, and no two cars were stolen from the same town. Using only the clues below, determine each car’s production year, model and owner, and determine the town in which each car theft took place.

1. The mustang, the 1978 model, and the car stolen from Deerfield had three different owners.

2. The 1972 model year car wasn’t stolen from Montclair, Deerfield, of Kearney.

3. Of the Mustang and the car stolen from Montclair one was a 1975 model and the other belonged to Dennis.

4. Thomas never owned a Camaro.

5. Of Thomas car and the one stolen from Taunton or Deerfield one was the 1966 model and the other was the mustang.

6. Jennifer’s car wasn’t stolen from Taunton or Deerfield

7. The one stolen from Deerfield is three years newer than the one stolen from ridgewood

8. The Corvette was stolen from Main Street in Kearney

9. Beatrice car wasn’t a 1969 model, and it wasn’t stolen from Montclair

10. The 1969 model year car is neither the Camaro nor the Continental

More info. There is a owner named Irving and another car which is a Thunderbird
Please help