Tone — Text Version
[Image of little boy]
Mother's voice: Honey, do you want to go to the beach this weekend?
Boy's voice (enthusiastically): YES!
Mother's voice: Honey, are you going to do your homework before dinner?
Boy's voice (grumpily): Yes...
1. Write the title of the text you have analyzed here:
2. List at least three examples of diction in the text that add to the
overall tone. Explain how each word contributes to the emotional
power of the piece.
3. List at least three examples of imagery in the text that add to the
overall tone. Explain how each description contributes to the
emotional power of the piece.
4. List the examples of important details the author chose to include.
Explain how these details contribute to the emotional power of the
5. List the examples of important details the author chose to omit.
Explain how these missing details contribute to the emotional power
of the piece.
6. Analyze the author’s use of syntax in this text. Are the sentences
long or short? Does the author use punctuation to slow down the
pace, or short phrases to quicken it? Explain how the sentence
structure contributes to the emotional power of the piece.
7. Select a tone (or multiple tones) from the list of Tone Words. Explain
why this tone is the best way to describe this text.