Your Basal Metabolic Rate (B M R) is the measure of how many Calories you burn if you rest all day. Physicians and other health professionals use this rate as an important tool for determining a person's daily caloric needs. The Harris-Benedict Formula is commonly used to calculate B M R for an individual.
The formulas are slightly different for males and females. A female's B M R can be expressed as 655 more than the sum of 4.35 times her weight (lb) and 4.7 times her height (in.) and then less 4.7 times her age (years). The formula for a male is 66 more than 6.23 times his weight (lb) plus the product of 12.7 and his height (in.) minus 6.8 times his age (years).
d. Which term of the expression affects the B M R the most? Explain.