MULTIPLE SELECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Review the answers and check each box that applies. There is more than one correct response, so check more than one box if you see more than one answer that applies.

The select line numbers below from Rhet Tour's sample essay have some paraphrasing issues. Select two answers below which most strongly appear to borrow language from a source.

1. I agree with Michael Novek that sports are more about beauty and physical prowess than about the debasing
2. standards of our society. He makes the claim that people who don’t appreciate sporting activities are
3. missing the point and missing out on some of the most basic parts of humanity. These people are not really
4. understanding what it means to be a human being, because they fail to get the point of sports. The point of
5. sports is to compete in victorious battle and win against an opponent and to act in ways that prove sports are a beautiful act of nature.

Answer choices:
- Line 5-6
- Line 3
- Lines 1-2
- Line 4