Using the spring balance provided, determine the weight of the object of mass 5.0g. Record this weight as W1. Determine the weight of the object when completely immersed in water contained in a beaker as shown in the diagram above. Record the weight as W2. Determine the weight of the object when it is completely immersed in a liquid labeled L. Record the weight as W3. evaluate u=(W1-W2)and v=(W1-W2). Reapeat the procedure with the object of mass 10,15,20 and 25g. In each case, evaluate u=(W1-W2) and v=(W1-W3). Tabulate your readings. Plot a graph of v=(W1-W3) on the vertical axis against u=(W1-W2) on the horizontal axis. Determine the slope,s, of the graph. State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results.​