Maglev Trains: Speeding Into the Future

There are new trains coming, ones that have no wheels and float on air. No, they are not science fiction. They are Magnetically Levitated Trains, or Maglevs for short.

These high-tech trains have no need for wheels because a strong magnetic field suspends them just ten millimeters above the track, or guideway. Changes in the magnetic field propel the floating trains forward. Without any contact between the trains and the guideway to slow them down, Maglevs can reach speeds much greater than normal trains. The Japanese-built MLX-01 Maglev train has reached nearly 350 miles per hour—faster than manysingle-propeller airplanes!

Due to high costs and changing technology, there are only a few Maglevs in operation today. However, the speed and efficiency of these amazing machines will simplify transportation in the future.

What is the topic, or main idea, of the passage?

Maglev trains using special wheels

the many Maglev trains around the world

Maglev trains and how they move

single-propeller airplanes replaced by Maglevs