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Analyzing a Flyer

Question 1
How does the "Just Desserts" section add to the information found on the flyer?
A It encourages the reader to explore more of the area.It encourages the reader to explore more of the area.
B It details the costs of dessert items around the city.It details the costs of dessert items around the city.
C It points out the desserts that can be enjoyed on Bruce Street.It points out the desserts that can be enjoyed on Bruce Street.
D It persuades the reader to think and plan ahead before visiting Redbud City.It persuades the reader to think and plan ahead before visiting Redbud City.
Question 2
Which two parts of this flyer provide information that requires visitors to plan ahead before visiting Bruce Street?
A The Lard BucketThe Lard Bucket
B Bubba's Pork HutBubba's Pork Hut
C Raw DealsRaw Deals
D Just DessertsJust Desserts
E The Tree Hugger