Scenario 1: You are playing soccer and your team has just finished their third game of the day. The day has been very hot with temperatures in the 90s with no cloud coverage. Suddenly, one of your teammates collapses. They seem to not be fully awake and do not respond to questions you ask them. Their breathing is rapid and shallow, and they are unable to get up from the ground. Their skin is very red and hot to the touch but without any moisture. You want to help your teammate. (1) What are the initial steps you should take in this emergency? (2) Describe in detail how you would decide what your plan of care would be.
Scenario Continued There is an indoor facility close to the field and you have water and ice available to you. There are no higher trained medical personnel currently at this event. (1) What steps would you take to care for your teammate? Describe the steps in detail. (2) When would you know to stop caring for your teammate?
Scenario 2: While at a family cookout, your 10-year-old cousin walks to the dessert table to grab a cookie. They walk over to you and starts to eat the cookie, and you notice that the cookie has nuts in it. A couple minutes later your cousin starts to complain of a really bad stomach cramp and some nausea. You want to help. (1) What are the initial steps you would take in this situation? (2) How would you determine what your care would be?
Scenario Continued: As you are caring for your cousin, they begins to have difficulty breathing and their lips and tongue are starting to swell. They have a medical bracelet that says they has severe allergies to tree nuts. (1) What steps would you take to give care to your cousin? Describe them in detail. (2) How would you know when to stop caring for your cousin?