Using the simplified lifting model illustrated in the figure you can estimate the compressive loads in the lower back (L5/S1 joint). The figure shows two loads acting on the body: the weight of the upper body of the person (HAT = Head, Arms, Trunk) and a weight that is being lifted (OBJECT). The moment arms for these 2 loads are the distances from each force vector to th L5/S1 joint. Enter your student ID to get your personalized values for HAT weight (weight_HAT), OBJECT Weight (weight_OBJECT), HAT moment arm (mmt_arm_HAT), OBJECT moment arm (mmt_arm_OBJECT), Sacral Angle (ang_Sacral), and MUSCLE moment arm (mmt_arm_MUSCLE). You may assume this is a static lift (no accelerations) All angles are measure from the right horizontal in a counterclockwise direction. shear reaction force HAT L5/S1 joint vertical reaction force compressive reaction force Sacrum (S1) OBJECT Sacral Angle