ou are ready to calculate the total value of those houses for each agent when he or she served as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed references for ranges and the agent code condition in cell J3. Use relative cell references to the agent condition in cell E2. When you copy the formulas, use the paste Formulas options to preserve border formatting. In cell G2, insert the SUMIFS function to sum the selling prices of the houses sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for that house. Copy the function to the range G3:G4 and preserve the bottom border for cell G4. Total Sold Prices Highest Sold Price Total & Sold Average Sold ocation Price Number Sold pine $ 601,386 7 american Fork $ 385,794 9 Cedar Hills $ 640.958 5 Lahi $ 334,667 5 Total Commission by Agent 204 922 Hemandez $ 155,348 Puan $ 176.271 Dual Agent Carey Hernandez Puan Agent Codes and Commission Rates BA Buyer's Agent 2.75% DA Dual Agency 5.50% SA Seller's Agent 3.25% Carey Input for Bonus Percent of List Days on Market Bonus Amount $ 100% 301 1,000 Listing Date Number City 1 Cedar Hills 4 Lehi 5 American Fork 6 Alpine 7 Lehi 11 American Fork 12 Alpine 17 Alpine 19 American Fork 21 Lohi 24 American Fork 27 Alpine 24 30 Lohi 25 32 Cedar Hills 20 34 Cedar Hills 27 35 Cedar Hills 28 30 American Fork 20 43 American Fork 30 46 Cedar Hi 48 Alpine 32 53 Lahi 33 Lohi 34 09 Npine 35 70 American Fork 36 73 Cedar Hills 37 75 Alpine 30 78 Aunerican Ford 39 80 American Fork Selling Agent Agent Type Pijuan DA Pijuan DA Pijuan DA Carey SA Pijuan BA Hemandez DA Pijuan DA Carey DA Pijuan BA Pijuan SA Puan SA Puan DA Hemandez SA Carey SA Carey SA Hernandez DA Hemandez BA Carey BA Carey SA Hernandez DA Carey SA DA Hernandez DA Hemandez DA BA Carey Carey DA Puan SA Agent Type Dual Agency Dual Agency Dual Agency Seller's Agent Buyer's Agent Dual Agency Dual Agency Dual Agency Buyer's Agent Seller's Agent Seller's Agent Dual Agency Seller's Agent Seller's Agent Seller's Agent Dual Agency Buyer's Agent Buyer's Agent Seller's Agent Dual Agency Seller's Agent Dual Agency Dual Agency Dual Agency Buyer's Agent Buyer's Agent Dual Agency Seller's Agent List Price Sold Price $ 725,000 $ 705,000 $ 350,799 $ 350,000 $ 385,900 $ 385,900 $ 500,000 $ 495,800 $ 345,9995 345,000 $ 325,000 $ 320,000 $ 750,250 $ 725,900 $ 645,000 $ 643,000 $ 425,000 $ 415,000 $ 325 000 $ 330,000 $ 425,815 5 418,000 $ 700,000 $ 705,000 $ 365,000 $ 363,000 $ 885,500 $ 800,000 $ 610,000 $ 600,000 $ 560,700$ 565,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 5 375,000 372,500 5 650,000 5 625,750 $ 545.000 560,000 $ 315.750 $ 320,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 589,000 $ 595,000 $ 345,670 $ 345,000 $ 555,000 $ 550.000 475,000 $ 485,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 380,500 $ 385,750 4/1/21 4/1/21 4/1/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 4/12/21 4/12/21 4/18/21 4/18/21 4/28/21 4/28/21 4/30/21 5/1/21 5/1/21 5/1121 5/1/21 5/2/21 5621 5/15/21 5/22/21 5/28/21 6/2/21 6/18/21 6/20/21 6/24/21 6/24/21 30:21 6/30/21 Sale Date 6/16/21 5/25/21 4/30/21 6/10/21 6/1/21 5/30/21 11/1/21 6/23/21 6/30/21 6/1/21 9/15/21 6/19/21 6/18/21 6/6/21 6/26/21 5/30/21 9/30/21 6/15/21 6/9/21 0/10/21 6/18/21 9/2/21 7/8/21 9/30/21 6/30/21 9/18/21 7/15/21 w/1121 Days on Agent Bonus Market Commission (76) $ 38,775.00 $ (54) $ 19.250.00 $ (29) $ 21,224.50 $ 1,000 (68) S 16.113.50 $ (59) 5 9.487.505 (48) $ 17,600.00 $ (203) 5 30.924,50 $ (66) $ 35,365.00 $ (73) $ 11,412.50 $ (34) $ 10.725,00 $ 1.000 (140) $ 13,585 00S (50) $ 38,775.00 1.000 (48) $ 11.797 50 $ (36) $ 26,000.00 $ (56) $ 19,500.00 $ (29) $ 31.075.00 $ 1,000 (151) $ 12,375.00 $ 1.000 (9) $10.243.75 $ (25) 5 20 336.88 $ (25) $ 30,800.00 $ 1.000 (21) $ 10400.00 $ 1.000 (92) $ 10,500.00 $ 1,000 (20) $ 32,725.00 5 1,000 (102) $ 18,975.00 $ (6) $ 15.125.00 $ (86) $ 13,33750 S 1,000 (15) $ 22,000.00 $ 1,000 (63) 11.886.88 $ Carey Carey