Nine Generic Influence Tactics Whether you realize it or not, you spend a great deal of time attempting to influence others, including your professors, parents, bosses, kids, friends, and customers. This activity is important because research suggests that managers should understand influence tactics, including which tactics to use and when to use them, in order to be most effective The goal of this exercise is to challenge your knowledge of nine generic influence tactics. Match each term to the influence tactic that its description best represents. Ingratiating tactics Pressure tactics Rational persuasion 4 Inspirational appeals 5 Personal appeals Legitimating tactics Consultation 8 Exchange tactics 9 Coalition tactics To influence your boss to give you a raise, you prepared a presentation that showed your productivity and output over the past five years compared to your coworkers. The ASPCA influences consumers to donate by showing heart wrenching commercials that feature animals in shelters. In order to make a decision that will affect your entire team, you discuss the options with several of your team members and seek their input and advice. Before asking you to take on a particularly difficult and thankless assignment, your boss spends a few minutes praising all of your recent successes at work Your coworker wants you to cover his shift later this week, so he reminds you that the two of you are close and re that this is what friends do for one another Your boss tells you that if you are willing to work Thanksgiving week without any days off, she will guarantee that you don't have to work during the next major holiday week Your coworker wants you to cover his shift later this week, so he reminds you that the two of you are close and that this is what friends do for one another. Your boss tells you that if you are willing to work Thanksgiving week without any days off, she will guarantee that you don't have to work during the next major holiday week. After trying unsuccessfully for months to get your supervisor to change the company vacation policy, you decide to drum up support from all of your coworkers who are unhappy with the policy. You don't want to teach an extra class at your university next semester, but your boss subtly reminds you that if you don't do it, your colleagues may rate you poorly on your next performance evaluation You didn't earn as much bonus money as you think you should have, so you speak to your boss and remind him about the company policy regarding how much money you should have earned based on your performance this past year