
The passage below is from the
Council of Trent called by Pope Paul III in 1545 to
establish the direction of Catholic reform. (a) What
group of people are addressed in this passage? (b)
What orders are given? Discuss how the attempt
to consider abuses may have been a way to bring
Protestants back to the church.

“This holy Council cautions all bishops so to live. . .
that they can bring together truth and behavior
as a kind of constant example of thrift, modesty,
and decency. . . .Therefore, following the example
set by our fathers at the Council of Carthage, it is
ordered that bishops shall content themselves not
only with modest household furniture and simple
food, but with regard to the rest of their manner
of living. . .so that nothing appears that is alien to
this holy institution of the Church and that does
not show simplicity, zeal for God, and contempt
for worldly things.
—Canons and Decrees of the Holy Council of Trent