एउटा घरको एकैतिर समतल स्थानमा रहेका दुई बिन्दुहरूबाट घरको छतमा हेर्दा बनेका उन्नतांश कोणहरू क्रमश: 60° र 30° पाइयो । ती दुई बिन्दुहरू बिचको दूरी 40 मि.भए घरबाट नजिक रहेको बिन्दुको दूरी र घरको उचाइ पत्ता लगाउनुहोस् । From the two points on the same place and same side of a house, the angles of elevation of the top of the house are found to be 60° and 30° respectively. If the distance between two points be 40m, find the distance of the nearest point from the house and the height of the house. (Ans: 20m; 34.64m)