2. Palindrome Subsequences For a stringswhich consists only of characters ' 0 ' and ' 1 ', find the number of subsequences of length 5 which are palindromes. As the answer can be really big, return the answermod(10 9 +7). Note - A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward. - A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from the given sequence by deleting zero or more elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. - Two subsequences are considered different if the indices of the string that forms the subsequences are different. Examples= "0100110" Using 1-based indexing, the 5 subsequences are - indices(1,2,3,6,7)→01010- indices(1,2,3,5,7)→01010- indices(1,2,4,6,7)→01010- indices(1,2,4,5,7)→01010- indices(1,2,5,6,7)→011105 modulo(10 9 +7)=5Function Description Complete the function getPalindromesCount in the editor below. getPalindromesCount has the following parameter: string s. the binary string Returns int: the number of subsequences of length 5 which are palindromes,mod(10 9 +7). Returns int: the number of subsequences of length 5 which are palindromes,mod(10 9 +7)Constraints -5≤∣s∣≤10 5 - All characters insare either 0 or1.Input Format For Custom Testing Sample Input For Custom Testing STDIN −−−−−010110→​ s="010110 ′′ ​ FUNCTION −−−−−−−​ Sample Output 3 Explanation - Subsequence with indices(1,2,3,4,6)→01010-(1,2,3,5,6)→01010-(1,2,4,5,6)→01110Sample Case 1 Sample Input For Custom Testing STDIN −−−−01111→​ s="01111 ′′ ​ FUNCTION −−−−−−​ Sample Output Explanation There is no palindrome subsequence of length5.