Board (Recommended) This class represents an entire Sudoku board. A Board object has 81 Cell objects. _init__(self, width, height, screen, difficulty) Constructor for the Board class. screen is a window from PyGame. difficulty is a variable to indicate if the user chose easy, medium, or hard. draw(self) Draws an outline of the Sudoku grid, with bold lines to delineate the
boxes. Draws every cell on this board. select(self, row, col) Marks the cell at (row, col) in the board as the current selected cell. Once a cell has been selected, the user can edit its value or sketched value. click(self,
If a tuple of
coordinates is within the displayed board, this function returns a tuple of the (row, col) of the cell which was clicked. Otherwise, this function returns None. clear(self) Clears the value cell. Note that the user can only remove the cell values and sketched value that are filled by themselves. sketch(self, value) Sets the sketched value of the current selected cell equal to user entered value. It will be displayed at the top left corner of the cell using the draw0 function. place_number(self, value) Sets the value of the current selected cell equal to user entered value. Called when the user presses the Enter key. reset_to_original(self) Reset all cells in the board to their original values ( 0 if cleared, otherwise the corresponding digit). is_full(self) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the board is full or not. update_board(self) Updates the underlying 2D board with the values in all cells. find_empty(self) Finds an empty cell and returns its row and col as a tuple
. check_board(self) Check whether the Sudoku board is solved correctly.