Machine Learning is a science that studies the way computers have the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed (Arthur Samuel, 1959). Meanwhile, according to Tom Mitchell (1998) explained that Machine Learning is the ability of computers to learn from experience (experience) E to task (task) T charged with performance (performance) P measured. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that machine learning is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being programmed exclusively based on the data that is Obtained by a computer whose results from computer learning can handle and predict the data provided to the computer. The more data obtained by the computer, the better the performance. In short, if there is enough data, the program will study patterns and make good predictions of the data obtained. Machine learning can be said to provide inductive learning, because programs from computers try to infer the data obtained by the computer. Broadly speaking Machine Learning can be described as the Mind Map image below:Question: EXPLAIN AND GIVE EXAMPLES of definitions of machine learning, concept, techniques and algorithms. Answers must be supported by at least 3 references (Write using keyboard and references and links that can be accessed on the internet)