Please help I really need it done by tomorrow!
Tv show Is Ginny and Georgia
Read a script from a TV show and analyze the development, structure, and what it communicates about society. Support your analysis with academic research.
Checkpoint 1: TV Script Analysis
Cognitive Skill:
Analyze an episode of a TV show by reading and annotating the script. Look at:
the development of characters and plot
the structural elements of the script
what the show reflects about society
Conduct academic research that supports your analysis of the show. The writing you do in this Checkpoint contributes to the presentation/website you build in Final Product 1: Show Analysis Presentation.
For this Checkpoint, you receive feedback on the Cognitive Skills: Development and Structure.
Information About the Show
TV Show Title (and link to script if available):
Network or Streaming Platform show is from:
Genre: Genre:
Synopsis of the Episode:
Message of the show:
Analysis of the Show
Portrayal and Analysis of the Characters:
Quote(s) from research:
Explain your quote(s).
Connect your quote(s) to your character analysis.
Analysis of the structure of the TV episode:
Quote(s) from research:
Explain your quote(s).
Connect your quote(s) to your analysis of the structure.
How does TV affect or influence society?
How does society influence TV?
Quote(s) from research:
How does your research support your analysis of TV’s influence on society/society’s influence on TV?
Cite your Sources:
Checkpoint 2: Script Analysis Presentation Draft
Cognitive Skill:
Multimedia in Communication
Using your work from Checkpoint 1, draft out the slides of your presentation (or pages of a website) for your Script Analysis Presentation, the final draft of which will be your Final Product 1.
For this presentation, you need to include the following:
A title page
Synopsis and information about the episode you analyzed
A section on your analysis of the characters and depiction of the characters. Be sure to include evidence from an academic journal or article to support your analysis.
A section on your analysis of the structure of the episode. Be sure to include evidence from an academic journal or article to support your analysis.
A concluding section on how TV is influential to society/how society influenced your TV show
Works cited
Supporting images/media throughout
For this Checkpoint you receive feedback on the Cognitive Skill Multimedia in Communication.
Make as many copies of the slide/page planning boxes as needed. Not every slide needs to have an image.
Slide/Page 1 Text
Slide/Page 1 Image/Media
Slide/Page 2 Text
Slide/Page 2 Image/Media
Slide/Page 3 Text
Slide/Page 3 Image/Media
Slide/Page 4 Text
Slide/Page 4 Image/Media
Slide/Page 5 Text
Slide/Page 5 Image/Media
Slide/Page 6 Text
Slide/Page 6 Image/Media
Slide/Page 7 Text
Slide/Page 7 Image/Media
Slide/Page 8 Text
Slide/Page 8 Image/Media
Slide/Page 9 Text
Slide/Page 9 Image/Media
Slide/Page 10 Text
Slide/Page 10 Image/Media
Checkpoint 3: Letter to the Network Planning
For this Checkpoint, explain your TV show idea and create an argument on why your show is appealing and/or has the potential to positively influence society. Be sure to support your argument with evidence. This argument becomes the basis of your letter for Final Product 2: Letter to the Network.
You receive feedback on the Cognitive Skill Argumentative Claim.
About your Show
Original TV Show Idea Title
Original TV Show Idea Synopsis
Your Argument
Argumentative Claim (Thesis and subclaims)
Evidence from Research
Cite your Source(s)
Explanation of research and connection to your argument
Checkpoint 4: Letter to the Network Draft
Cognitive Skills:
Communicating Accurately and Precisely
Using your work in Checkpoint 3, write the draft of a letter to a television network or streaming service to convince them to produce your script. In this letter pitch your show idea and make an argument as to how and why your show is appealing and will have a positive influence on society. Be sure to format your letter as a business letter and that your ideas are well organized.
Your work in this Checkpoint becomes the draft for your Final Product 2: Letter to the Network.
You receive feedback on the Cognitive Skills Organization, and Communicating Accurately and Precisely.
Cognitive Skill:
Write a scene (or the entire script!) for your TV show idea that you pitched in your Final Product 2: Letter to the Network. This Checkpoint becomes the draft for your Final Product 3: Original TV Script. Your final draft for Final Product 3 needs to be in script format.