1.) Most people think that shock treatments are a barbaric holdover from the Middle Ages. Fact or Opinion and why
2.)It is very possible that Alcoholics Anonymous, with chapters in nearly every population center, is the most successful self-help group ever developed. Fact or Opinion and why
3.) In contrast to Sigmund Freud’s theory that personality is formed in the first few years of life, recent research shows that although early childhood experiences are formative and can have a lasting impact on us, development is, in many ways, a lifelong process. Fact or Opinion and why
4.) Cognitive therapies seem to work better with people who have a high intelligence quotient (IQ). Fact or Opinion and why
5.) Clinical depression ordinarily lasts only a few weeks, but 50 to 60 percent of those who experience a major depression suff er a recurrence which is longer lasting and more severe. Fact or Opinion and why
6.) One theory of schizophrenia proposes that a person develops schizophrenia when his or her dopamine level is too high. Fact or Opinion and why
7.) Psychotherapy may be an easy way out for people who are too weak to face their own insecurities. Fact or Opinion and why