An adverb tells where, when, how, or to what extent (how long or how much)
EXERCISE Underline each adverb in the following sentences. Above each adverb, write whether it tells where, when, how, or to what extent.
1. During summer vacations I usually go to camp.
2. The swirling river tossed the boat wildly.
3. We will meet you later at the library.
4. Dangerously strong winds threatened the coastal villages.
5. Hurry! Our bus is already here!
6. Where do you go to school!
7. I try to avoid horror movies, for they frighten me badly.
8. The actor would not wear the silly costume chosen by the director.
9. "If you want a chance to win the tickets, call now!" cried the announcer.
10. The concert artist Yo-Yo Ma's performance was exceedingly polished.
11. Although I practice daily, I am a clumsy piano player.
12. The children held hands and crossed the street cautiously.