Angelique is creating a text-based weather report.
She starts off with this code that reports the weather in 3 cities:
DISPLAY ("Portland: 56 °F, Rainy\n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ - \n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ \n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ - \n")
DISPLAY ("Buffalo: 52 °F, Cloudy\n")
DISPLAY (" .--. \n")
DISPLAY (" .-( ). \n")
DISPLAY ("(___.__)__) \n")
DISPLAY ("Seattle: 43 °F, Rainy\n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ - \n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ \n")
DISPLAY (" _ - _ - _ - \n")
After writing that code, Angelique decides on a different way to draw the raining illustration:
DISPLAY (" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘\n")
DISPLAY (" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \n")
DISPLAY ("‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \n")

Part 1: How many lines of code will Angelique need to update?