Consider the following form of the analogy WK Clifford uses to compare the island inhabitants with the religious believers. Identify each of the four parts of the Analogical Argument, and evaluate the strength of this particular analogy.
1. The society of agitators have the attributes of sincerely and conscientiously believing certain things, acting upon these beliefs without evidence, doing everything in their power to carry out their beliefs, neglecting to engage in a fair inquiry, and thereby damaging others in their false beliefs.
2. The religious believers have the attributes of sincerely and conscientiously believing certain things, acting upon these beliefs without evidence, doing everything in their power to carry out their beliefs, neglecting to engage in a fair inquiry, and thereby damaging others in their false beliefs.
3. The society of agitators had no right to believe and act upon what they did. Therefore, the religious believers have no right to believe and act upon what they do.