Chief complaint: Multiple ulcers.
Subjective: The patient returns, accompanied by her caregiver who states that she believes the ulcers have gotten ""about as good as they are going to."" The edema of the leg seems to be controlled much better.
Objective: Exam reveals marked improvement of the edema (The edema is improving.) of both lower legs, the right is better than the left. All of the ulcers are now extremely superficial and seem to almost be partial thickness skin.(The ulcers are healing.) There is no cellulitis. The only uncomfortable area seems to be on the sole of the left foot where there are considerable bony abnormality and/or tophaceous deposits which have distorted the bottom of her foot dramatically. To relieve the left foot pain,(Location of the foot pain. Patient had foot pain likely due to tophaceous deposits which are an indication of gout. This is not a definitive diagnosis documented by the provider. Code the symptom.) a sole nerve block posterior to the lateral malleolus is carried out with a 50:50 mixture of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine and .5% marcaine. Following this, she gets good relief from the pain of the lateral posterior part of the foot. The legs are cleansed with Hibiclens and multi-layer compression wraps are reapplied by the PA.
Assessment: Ulcers are on the feet.(Location of the ulcers.) Edema is in the lower extremities. Foot pain is (Report the codes for the definitive diagnoses. Procedure performed for foot pain.) treated with a nerve block. Fantastic course to date, thanks to her caregiver
Plan: Continue with wound care as before. Return to the office in six to eight weeks; at which time, assuming everything is going well, we could set up an OR time for panniculectomy. She appears to understand and is willing to proceed. What diagnosis code(s) are reported?
a) L97.509 (Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg with unspecified severity)
b) E11.621 (Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer)
c) M79.671 (Pain in right foot)
d) M79.672 (Pain in left foot)