Source-based question:
The villages are the souls of our country, and more than 60% of the population lives in
villages. There are more villages and small towns in India than in metropolitan areas.
Census 2011 reports the number of villages in our country is 6,49,481. The villages of
India are major contributors to agriculture, thus making India an agricultural land. Life in
an Indian village is called rural life and city life is considered urban life. Life in an Indian
village for students and children is different from those growing up in urban households.
The children are often led to their family occupation of agriculture and work as farmers.
Farmers are the most undervalued people in our society. They work doubly hard to supply
food on our plates and don't even get paid half of what they deserve. They work without
any modern machines, for long days starting even before sunrise and end their days long
after dusk. They toil in the scorching heat and in the rain. The most difficult aspect of a
farmer's life is mostly dependent on climatic conditions. Also, one of the other ways of
earning a living in the villages is by housing cattle like cows, sheep, goats, and poultry.
16. Based on the above source answer the following questions:
Q1) Why are villages called the souls of our country? (1M)
Q2) Do you think farmers completely reap the benefits of their hard work? Give one reason
in support of your answer. (2M)
Q3) Agriculture is the main occupation of the urban people.
a) True b) False