Help write a personal statement to make me suitable for this role:

Please demonstrate that you have read this and that you meet the essential requirements: The Resourcing Manager (Temporary Staffing) is an integral role in providing leadership to achieve a proactive, high quality, high performance, professional service for the booking and management of all temporary workers across the Trust. This is in line with the NBT eXtra standard operating procedure (SOP), NHS England requirements and the legal and mandatory requirements covering bank & agency workers.

To proactively work with the Divisional teams and Heads of service to support the development of robust processes for the requesting of temporary staff and to play an active role in the creation of strategies that identify future trends and demand planning for all staff groups/Divisions.

This role will lead identified and agreed service improvement initiatives/projects both at Trust level and through collaboration as part of the BNSSG system workstream aligned to temporary workforce. The postholder will be responsible and accountable for the operational performance of the Temporary Staffing service using key performance indicators and production of weekly and monthly dashboards, NHS England reports and validation/authorisation of invoices.

The postholder will evaluate the service provided to Divisions and meet regularly with users to review the service and work to further develop monitoring mechanisms against which the Temporary Staffing service performance can be measured.