can someone please help me with these psychology questions. can you please give me the correct answers? This is due on Sunday, February 11.

question 2. Erik Erikson's epigenetic principle states that...
A. Once you enter a new stage of life, you can never go back to previous ones.
B. You will get "stuck" mentally at a stage you do not resolve well.
C. How well you do at one stage of life is
dependent on how the previous one(s) were/was resolved.
D. Outside stressors can cause illness-provoking genes to be turned on in the body.

question 3. The MAIN aspect of a child who is designated as having a difficult temperament is...
A. Their intense fear and anxiety.
B. Their negative affect.
C. Their refusal to listen/behave.
D. Their unpredictability.

question 5. Which of the following did Douglas Biklen claim was the main reason facilitated communication does not hold up to double-blind testing?
A. The test procedure was demeaning to the children.
B. The researchers were out to get Biklen.
C. Other researchers were jealous of his success and wanted to paint him as a failure.
D. The research methods used were flawed.

question 6. By 1995, over 60 children being subjected to facilitated communication had made the claim that...
A. they were being sexually abused by a parent.
B. that facilitated communication was a hoax.
C. the facilitators helping them were controlling their movements.
D. they had hidden genius abilties​