The Unluckiest Boy in the World tells the story of Nicholas, a boy who becomes oursed after
disturbing an old grave. The curse causes disaster to follow Nicholas wherever he goes, so, in
this extract, Nicholas's school takes steps to keep him and his fellow pupils safe from the ou
After that day with Miss Murajee, things did seem to get better, and the
number of accidents happening around Nicholas was reduced dramatically.
Mr Fender had panic buttons installed in all the classrooms, connected to the scho
office. He sent four of his staff on training courses in first aid, and he altered the
timetable, as Miss Murajee had suggested, so that Nicholas only had lessons with the
more relaxed and easy-going members of staff. Mr Daimon was still away after the
mountain-lion incident and Nicholas did science with Mrs Mackintyre, a large, middle
woman who never seemed to get upset about anything. His French teacher was rep
by the elderly Mr Dobson, and Mr Fender himself took over the lessons in RE.
Some children were moved out of his class.
Two of the noisier and more excitable girls were
replaced, for instance, by boys from another form
whose hobby was collecting wild flowers, and
the effect of these changes was soon apparent.