1. If you see a red apple, what color of the visible spectrum is reflected toward your eyes and what is being absorbed? Explain.
2. If you see a white object, what color of the light spectrum is reflected toward your eyes and what is being absorbed? Explain.
3. If you see a black object, what color of the light spectrum is reflected toward your eyes and what is being absorbed? Explain.
4. List the colors of the visible light spectrum (ROYBGIV) that have the least amount of energy to the most amount of energy.
5. List the colors of pigment (ROYBGIV, white, and black) that absorbed the least to most amount of energy in this lab.
6. If a brick wall was painted in strips of ROYGBIV, white, and black colors and the sun was shining on it, list the strips of colors on the wall that absorb the least to most amount of energy.