Identify the main idea and major and minor details from paragraph 3. Category Statement Main idea Article​ I, Section​ 2, of the Constitution sets the length of terms for House members​ (2 years) and specifies the basic qualifications for service. Major detail House members must be 25 years of​ age, a citizen of the United States for at least 7​ years, and a resident of the state where they are elected. Major detail ​Notice, however, that the Constitution does not say that House members must reside in the district they represent. Major detail Throughout our​ history, on a number of​ occasions, politicians have been elected to represent districts in which they did not live. Major detail Nor does the Constitution put any limit on the number of terms a representative may serve. Minor detail In the early​ 1990s, a number of states tried to limit the terms of members of​ Congress-both in the House and in the Senate. Minor detail The Supreme​ Court, however, in Term​ Limits, Inc. v. Thornton​ (1995), found such restrictions unconstitutional. Minor detail It​ seems, then, that the only way to limit the number of terms for members of Congress would be a constitutional amendment.