2.1 Define the term "career portfolio" and state FOUR reasons why (2 + 4) (6) a career portfolio is important in this era of the 21 century. 2.2 Mention TWO financial obligations of a study loan (2x1) (2) 2.3 Indicate FOUR benefits of learnerships to a young person seeking higher education opportunities. (4x1) (4) 2.4 Distinguish between the Admission Point Score (APS) and the (2X2) (4) National Benchmark Test (NBT) 2.5 Why it is important for a grade 11 learner to complete the KHETHA booklet (2x2) (4) 2.6 2.7 Evaluate how TVET colleges address the need for specialised (1x4) (4) skills training in SA. Recommend TWO ways in which a grade 11 learner could develop a career portfolio. In each answer, also indicate how a career portfolio could help you in choosing a suitable career (2x3) (6) Sub-Total 30