Recall that Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett (1973) gave some preschoolers a good player award for playing with some markers; others were not given an award for playing with the markers. Of the children who recelved the good player award, some had been told before playing that they would get the award, others were not given this expectation. What was the important finding from this study?
a. those who recelved (but did not expect) an award later spent less time playing with the markers than those in the other groups.
b. those who received (but did not expect) an award later spent more time playing with the markers than those in the other groups.
c. those who expected (and later received) an award later spent less time playing with the markers than those in the other two groups.
d. those who expected (and later recelved) an award later spent more time playing with the markers than those in the other two groups.