Using Evidence to Address Clinical Problems Learning Objectives • Identify gaps between local and best practice • Discriminate between valid and invalid reasons for modifying evidence-based clinical practice based on clinical expertise or patient/family preferences • Participate effectively in appropriate data collection and other research activities • Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice • Acknowledge own limitations in knowledge and clinical expertise before determining when to deviate from evidence-based best practices Strategy Overview In this exercise, students work independently or in groups to explore current practice on a unit where they are having their clinical experience. This exercise can span a few weeks. It is most helpful if the problem students explore is specific to the unit on which they are currently having clinical experiences so that they can look at their own practice over time as well as that of the staff. Problems to be considered could include but are not limited to: increased number of patients with hospital acquired infections, increased number of needle stick injuries, or poor report practices. Once the problem is identified, the student(s) investigates staff perceptions of the problem. [For instance, do staff see this as a problem? Why or why