For this performance assessment task, you will complete a Service Learning Project Plan for the exploratory project selected by your instructor, your class, or your team. For this assessment you will: 1. Review the steps for accomplishing a service learning project that you learned in this learning plan. 2. Review the components for JROTC service learning projects. 3. Obtain the JROTC outcomes from your instructor including the McRel Standards, JROTC Program Outcomes, Core Abilities, and Competencies. Determine which of these outcomes are addressed by the exploratory project. 4. Complete Exercise #2: Service Learning Project Plan for your selected exploratory project. 5. Record what you have learned about service learning in your Learning Log. 6. Use the attached scoring guide criteria for what you need to do to complete this task. 7. Submit your completed performance assessment task and scoring guide to your instructor for evaluation and a grade.