How can I professionally reply back to this? Merriam Webster describes a counselor as, "A person who gives advice", which doesn't properly sum up what it means to be a counselor in our mental health setting. Being a counselor is more than just giving advice to a client. Being a counselor means that we help clients process life events, and develop skills to respond independently of us. As the old adage goes, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Other mental health professions examine how our upbringing and life affects us in this current day, but our focus as counselors should be on developing skills for our clients' futures. My main drive to be a counselor comes from enjoying the connections I make with people, and helping others realize that we will never be perfect, but that we can always make progress. Nobody can do it on their own, and our role as counselors to lend a helping hand when needed. The history of the ACA can be summarized as various counseling associations being formed, then merging together under a common umbrella mission of helping others. When an association like the Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education (SPATE) is formed, it's in response to a group of people who need representation. Being absorbed into what would later become the ACA allows that group to access a wider network of resources. In our current society, connection has never been easier, and so with all kinds of technology and people coming into col with each other, we need to bring all those in together so we can all work together and lift one another up.