10 - Introductory Psychology
20A - MATLAB Programming for Behavioral Sciences
85 - Introduction to Cognitive Science
100A - Psychological Statistics
100B - Research Methods in Psychology
110 - Fundamentals of Learning
115 - Principles of Behavioral Neuroscience
M116A - Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
118 - Comparative Psychobiology
119Y - Psychobiology of Sexual Behavior
120A - Cognitive Psychology
121 - Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology
124B - Fundamentals of User Experience
126 - Clinical Psychology Laboratory
127A - Clinical Psychological Science
129E - Human Sexuality
131 - Research in Developmental Psychology
133C - Language Development
133D - Social and Personality Development
133F - Psychology and Education
133G - Culture and Human Development
134B - Applied Developmental Psychology: Preschool/School-Age Care and Education
134C - Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology
134E - Advanced Fieldwork in Applied Developmental Psychology
134J - Dynamic Perspectives on Parenting