You notice that Katrina, one of your higher-achieving 8th graders, has abruptly begun
doing slipshod work. She hasn't turned in your last three assignments, and she failed
your latest test. She also seems very withdrawn in learning activities, giving one-
word, barely audible answers when you call on her. Always a well-groomed girl, she
has begun coming to school looking disheveled and unkempt.
Of the following, what is your most appropriate action in working with Katrina?
Talk to her and remind her that she must begin studying and turning in her work,
or her grades will suffer. Offer to accept the missing assignments.
Talk to one of her classmates, and ask if he or she knows of any problems that
Katrina might be experiencing. Remind that classmate that anything said will be
held in confidence.
Continue to watch her closely to see if her former patterns of behavior return.
Contact a school counselor or school psychologist immediately, explain the
changes you've seen in Katrina's behavior, and seek advice.