Assign ICD-10 and PCS codes to the following case scenarios. For full points, explain how you found each code.

Case Scenario #1:
A 50-year-old male was admitted to the hospital complaining of chest pain determined to be a result of an acute interior wall (type 1) myocardial infarction (MI). The patient was treated for acute MI. In addition, a right and left heart catheterization was performed with a Judkins fluoroscopic angiocardiography using a low osmolar contrast dye. The patient has no history of CABG surgery in the past. He was found to have coronary arteriosclerosis due to lipid-rich plaque. The patient was also treated for persistent preexisting atrial fibrillation and discharged on day five in stable condition.

Case Scenario #2:
A 65-year-old male collapsed in his garage after shoveling heavy, wet snow from the driveway of his single-family home. The ambulance brought the man to the nearest hospital in full cardiac arrest. Family members stated the patient had an enlarged heart and had been on prescription medication for hypertensive heart disease in the past but had not seen a physician for over one year. Cardioversion and external chest compression CPR were initiated but were unsuccessful, and the man was pronounced dead 50 minutes after arriving at the hospital. The patient was never admitted to the hospital, with all of his medical care received in the ED. The ED physician's conclusion in the ED record was "Cardiac arrest, probably due to acute myocardial infarction triggered by strenuous exertion, unknown as to exact cause with hypertensive heart disease".