Select a story from unit 1 and a story from unit 2 to compare and contrast. Highlight your choices.

Unit 1
Unit 2
“In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I Have a Dream”
“Theme for English B” poem by Langston Hughes
“Writ on the Eve of my 32nd Birthday” poem by Gregory Corso
“Black Ball” by Ralph Ellison
“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

STEP 2: Select a theme that can be analyzed in both works
The meaning of freedom
The search for identity
Disillusionment of man

STEP 4: Record similarities and differences for your stories and the chosen topic (Step 2) below. Use the table below to record your ideas. How is your chosen topic Similar? How is it different? (quick video on compare/contrast)



STEP 4: Write an introductory paragraph (fill out the table below)

Introductory Paragraph
Fill out the table below following the guidelines on the left-hand side.
Briefly summarize and introduce both stories in your own words. What was going on at this time in history? What was the literary movement like? Make sure to introduce the titles and authors as if this is a full essay.
(4-5 sentences)

Introduce the theme you will focus on. Mention Similarities and Differences
(2-3 sentences)

Example: Both of these authors explore the theme of community and responsibility. This is the underlying understanding that every person in a community shares responsibilities.

Write your thesis statement:
Mini Lesson on writing a Thesis
While both works explore the theme of (insert theme), (insert title of U1 story) focuses ______ whereas (insert title of U2 story) emphasizes _________.