
Take a look at the given example below: SITUATION: A student was tasked to compose a poem that would express his thoughts and feelings about various events around him. After a while, he submitted it to his teacher before the set deadline. As the teacher evaluated his output, she was impressed about the way the student wrote his concrete poem using the shape of a dove as the poem's structure to help the readers to easily understand the meaning of his writing Surprisingly. he chose a theme about the 2019 Coronavirus Disease that gives hope to the readers who may be affected by the pandemic. In addition to this, a good physical and grammatical arrangement of words were evidently shown. Figurative languages and imagery were also used. However, the teacher found out that the poem was written in forced thyme that may have caused him to use inappropriate words. Since the teacher wanted to improve the writing skill of the student, she then suggested to consider the use of appropriate language over rhyme to better connect with the audience. EVALUATION: 1. You (referring to the writer) composed an impressive poem. It has a good physical and grammatical arrangement of words that enhance the readers' overall experience. Another good thing is that your chosen theme is very timely that gives hope to the readers in this time of pandemic. When it comes to the elements of poetry, you used figurative languages and imagery that added spice to the overall quality of your composition. These literary devices stir up and startle the readers' Imagination. Furthermore, the choice of writing concrete poetry (a poetry of which visual appearance matches the topic of the poem with a dove as the shape of the poem's structure contributes a lot in understanding the meaning of the poem. Explanation: The evaluation begins with an evaluative statement that says, "You (referring to the writer) composed an impressive poem." It is followed by giving positive feedback to the writer specifying the strengths of the poem 2. However, the rhyme of yo