This section should be considered part and parcel of the experiment. It suggests tasks to be performed in order to be able to write a meaningful report. · Plot the transfer function V. (c)/V, (o) from 10 Hz - 1 MHz for C₁=2 nF (Treble Amp) or 47 nF (Bass Amp) and the 5 measured treble or bass settings on the same loglog graph. For each case, determine the 3-dB corner frequency and maximum gain (in dB). · Plot the transfer function V. (a)/V, (o) for max. boost setting (only) from 10 Hz - 1 MHz for C₁ = 1 nF and C₁=2 nF (Treble Amp), or 47 nF and 100 nF (Bass Amp) on the same loglog graph. Comment on the 3-dB corner frequency for each case. . Knowing the max boost/cut transfer function for C₁= 1nF (for Treble Amp) or 100 nF (for Bass Amp) and knowing the spectrum of an 800 Hz.