Do you like to travel on a ship in the sea? The structure conveys the experience of the journey of the sea. The people on the ship got to see stuff that they would have never seen before, the Ocean and the trip they go on is a beautiful place, they have also done stuff they would have done if they didn’t go on this trip. First, the structure conveys the experience of the journey of the sea because in paragraph 9 it says, “the ocean presents a very singular and beautiful appearance.” This shows how the journey of the sea was great. That also shows how they got to do stuff that they probably never would have done.That is information on how they experienced the sea. Next, this structure does convey this experience of the journey of the sea because in paragraph 4 it says, “ never having seen one except as they rise on the surface of the water.” That shows the reader how the trip was on the ship, and how they experienced different things in life.This quote is trying to say how they have never had a thing like this, and how it is different from wherever they have been in their life. Lastly, the part does convey the experience of this journey of the trip across the sea because it shows in paragraph 7 this says, “ swimmers enjoyed themselves by bathing in the open ocean.” This is showing the people that they got to do stuff they would have never been to do daily. That is why the experience of this journey was fun for the people there.This quote shows how they had fun on the trip and how they got to do stuff and see the stuff on the trip they would have probably seen. This is why the structure conveys the experience of the journey of the sea because of the reasons I gave in here. This is why the people on the ship got to see stuff that they would have never seen before. How this is a beautiful ship they went on. And on this ship trip they went on they got to do stuff they would haven't done. They should care about this story because if you would be thinking about going on a trip on a ship you know what it is like to