When human skin is wounded because of a puncture or scrape, disk-shaped keratinocyte cells migrate to the wound to form a first barrier against infection of the wound. Keratinocyte cells, typically
10. 0 um in diameter, have been shown to reach the wound site by rolling along the topmost layer of exposed skin at an angular speed of 2. 50m rad/h.
(a) It keratinocyte cells migrate from both ends of a 5. 86 mm-long scrape, how long (in hours) would it take the cells to form a complete barner?
(b)What is the translational kinetic energy (in )) of a single keratinocyte cell with a mass of 2. 00 x 10⁻⁹ g as it rolls toward a wound site?
(c)What is the rotational kinetic energy (in )) of a single keratinocyte cell with a mass of 2. 00 x 10⁻⁹ g as it rolls toward a wound site?