Read the Closing Case Focus section titled 'RCEP: The World's Largest Trade Deal' and watch the videos below. Share your thoughts on these questions.
1. What will be the benefits of the RCEP to member states?
2.Are the relaxed rules of origin in the RCEP beneficial or harmful for the global economy and the countries that are not members of the RCEP?
3. What are the limitations and potential negative consequences of the RCEP? How might these limitations impact regional and global trade going forward?
4. To what extent do you believe the exit of America from the TPP gave an impetus to the establishment of the RCEP, given that seven of 11 members of the CPTPP are also now members of the RCEP?
5. In retrospect, from a geopolitical perspective, do you think it was correct of President Trump to pull America out of the TPP on his first day in office? What are the benefits of Trump's decision? What are the possible costs?