For this assignment you will locate a primary source journal article pertaining to developmental psychology. It be research dealing with children ages Prenatal-18. You can choose any topic of your choice. You will then analyze the article by answering several questions about the research.
1. Go to library databases-Psychology databases are best
2. Put your topic into the search field and begin the search for your article. There are several advanced search options that you will want to activate.
a. Full Text;--you will want to get an article that is full text-you need to be able to access the entire article.
b. Date range--you don't want anything older than 10 years- so set the range at 2013-2023.
c. English--unless you read another language you will want to limit the search to English.
3. Look through your search results; find an appropriate article. Again for a primary source the article needs to have:
a. Abstract
b. Lit Review (this is not labeled but it is the review of the literature at the beginning of the article
c. Method--if there is no method section it is not a primary source
d. Results--again, no result section not a primary source
e. Discussion-the discussion section is a summary of the research.
4. Save the article as a PDF--you will be submitting the article as well as your analysis.
5. Go to the Analysis Questions and on a word document answer the questions.
6. Submit the article (PDF of it), and your word doc. with your analysis.