When we think about biotech’s three major areas, medicine, agriculture, and industrial/environmental, we say they are interrelated or interconnected. How are these sectors connected?
We say that personalized or precision medicine is one of the greatest breakthroughs in not only biotech but also medicine. Why is this advancement considered such a great breakthrough?
Our unit indicated that almost 70 percent of all clinical trials are being conducted by “start-ups” or small entrepreneurial companies. What advantages can these companies have over the larger more mature companies like an Amgen, Genentech, or Gilead?
As in medicine, agriculture companies partner, form joint ventures, and cooperate in innovative research. Are these partnerships always productive and beneficial? Under what circumstances might they not be?
States like California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington are accelerating and encouraging both innovation and investment in industrial and environmental biotech. What is the upside of these actions?