
Describe, in your own words, the interaction between Dante and the lady who comes to visit him in Canto II

Respuesta :

The lady who came to aid Dante ( by way of Virgil) was Beatrice. She was Dante's departed beloved who had gone to heaven and sat among the blessed. She heard of Dante's plight from the Virgin Mary and St. Lucia and came to Virgil to ask him to help Dante on his miraculous journey. This chain reaction shows Beatrice's tender affection for Dante. How Dante felt reassured and inspired showed his endearment and deep love for Beatrice.

I used the verified answer so I could get started, but only the first and second sentence is the same. The word count is 102, please change it around if you have to use it.

Hope this helps

The lady who came to aid Dante ( by way of Virgil) was Beatrice. She was Dante's departed beloved who had gone to heaven and sat among the blessed. She came to Dante to give him courage to be brave as well as stay with him along his journey. When Dante asks how she is not afraid, she explains by telling him "The only things we really need to fear Are those that have the power to do harm." She explains further by saying that God has fashioned her in a way that the fires burning there do her no harm at all.