focuses on themain idea of heroification a process through which people make heroes out of ordinarypeople, often emphasizing their good qualities and deliberately leaving out negative traitsin order to make them appear as heroes of noble causes. The author discusses both HelenKeller and Woodrow Wilson, revealing aspects of their lives that most people areunaware of. Most people know Helen Keller simply as a blind and deaf girl who workedto triumph over her handicaps with the guidance of Anne Sullivan. However, Loewenfirst acknowledges that Helen Keller was a radical socialist who strongly supported theformation of the USSR. President Woodrow Wilson is remembered by the nation as agreat president, known for his leadership of the nation into WWI, his establishment of theLeague of Nations, and his support for women's suffrage. Nevertheless, Loewen includesthat Wilson launched a secret war against the Bolsheviks, as well as sending troops intowars in Central America.