Redacteaza o compunere de 150-300 de cuvinte, in care sa prezinti o intamplare reala sau imaginara petrecuta in timpul unei zile din vacanta de vara.
In compunerea ta, trebuie:
-sa relatezi o intamplare, respectand succesiunea logica a faptelor;
-sa precizezi doua elemente ale contextului spatio-temporal;
-sa respecti structura specifica tipului de compunere cerut;
-sa ai obligatoriu numarul minim de cuvinte precizat.
Va rog ajutati-ma

Respuesta :

Answer: Last summer I went with my girlfriend and I on vacation to a beach, as we had little money we decided to sell fruit salads on the beach. We spent 15 beautiful days in which the sun came out absolutely every day and it was very pleasant heat. We enjoy the beach and the sea also every day while selling fruit salads. One day, unfortunately, we saw how there were inspectors from the municipality on the beach and we wanted to escape but we could not, they caught us and made us a fine because we did not have permission to sell on the beach. My girlfriend was sad because we were not going to have money to eat without working but I did not care and we went to have a beer at a spa. When we returned we counted the amount of silver we had made in those 15 days and it was enough for us to spend 15 more days of vacation at sea, it was awesome!

Explanation: It's my imagination

The composition is expressed below:

Two years ago I went to the beach with my parents in the summer, it was the first time I visited it, it was an incredible experience, the hot sand, the sun in all its splendor and the huge ocean, once I left my suitcases at the hotel I had the idea, I put on my bathing suit and go out to sea immediately, my mother stopped me to apply sunscreen, because in that place, with only a few minutes of sun exposure, I could burn myself.

At first, the wave scared me, when I saw it approaching, I preferred to run, however, I raised my courage and entered the water, but suddenly a movement of the wave made me fall and turned at the beach, after I had had some water, it was very salty, but my father taught me a trick, gave me a mint-flavored gum and told me that as long as I chewed it, my mouth would not have taste of salt.

Staying in that place was a lot of fun, the hotel had a pool and a buffet, it was one of the most incredible vacations I have ever had and I always talk about.

Text construction.

The answer text contains a normal visit to a beach in summer, containing some funny moments to give fluidity to the narrative. It contains spatial elements, such as the beach, the hotel, the pool or even the ocean, while the given temporal element is that it took place two years ago.

Finally, a total of 192 words are used in the text, thus meeting the required range.

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