Marshall damaged his cerebellum in a car accident. marshal is likely to have problems with "balance and muscle coordination".
Coordination issue result from malfunction of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that directions voluntary movements and controls balance.
The cerebellum malfunctions, causing loss of coordination.
Regularly, individuals can't control their arms and legs, making them take wide, insecure advances when they walk.
Specialists construct the analysis with respect to side effects, family history, attractive reverberation imaging of the cerebrum, and frequently hereditary testing.
The reason is remedied if conceivable, and on the off chance that it can't be, treatment centers around assuaging manifestations.
The cerebellum is the part of the brain most engaged with planning successions of developments. It likewise controls equalization and stance. Anything that harms the cerebellum can prompt loss of coordination (ataxia).