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A scope built of two systems of lenses ... ==> Compound light microscope
The light compound microscope is composed by two groups of lenses. In the first one, the lens projects a real intermediate image which is enlarged and inverted to the focal plane of the eyepiece. In the second group, the eyepiece that behaves like a magnifying glass, gives an image of the intermediate image which is enlarged and inverted again.
Designed for studying cells and tiny slices... ==> Transmission electron microscope.
The transmission electron microscope is an electron microscope for viewing objects much smaller than cells.
The transmission electron microscope (TEM or TEM) uses a high-voltage electron beam emitted by an electron gun.
If sample preparation is longer and more demanding than for optical microscopy, the resolution offers an incomparable view of the structures. Transmission electron microscopy allows to visualize intracellular organelles, viruses, crystals ...
A microscope that has lower magnifying power .... ==> Stereoscope (dissecting microscope).
The stereomicroscope is a special type of magnifying glass, often called a binocular loupe.
It is a device intended primarily for observation at low magnification with lighting overhead. It allows especially stereoscopic perception, in relief, of small subjects.
The stereomicroscope should not be confused with a microscope equipped with a binocular head. The latter only provides two identical images, with a "flat" rendering.
A microscope which magnifies from magnification ranging from 20X to 30.000X... ==> Scanning electron microscope
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is an electron microscopy technique capable of producing high resolution images of the surface of a sample using the principle of electron-matter interactions.
This microscope consists of an electron beam scanning the surface of the sample to be analyzed which, in response, reemits certain particles. These particles are analyzed by different detectors that reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the surface.